Hedgie the hedgehog discovers the wisdom of the adage, "Don't go poking your nose where it doesn't belong" only after curiosity gets this prickly fellow in a pickle. When Lisa's woolen stocking blows off the clothesline, Hedgie finds it and sticks his nose inside, only to discover his prickles prevent him from pulling out of it. Soon all the farm animals are coming around to chuckle at silly Hedgie's stocking hat. But in the end, nimble-witted Hedgie gets the last laugh. This magnificently illustrated book was the winner of the prestigious 1998 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award. Brett’s illustrations are done in her trademark style of highly detailed depictions of her characters and a creative use of borders, which are small illustrations foreshadowing what will happen next.
Activity—A beautifully illustrated board game, a die, and foam pieces of clothing come together to create a game in which the players try to be the first to collect all eight pieces of clothing. (English only.)

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